Everyone has their preference for IFR ground school training, be it King Schools, Sporty’s, ASA, etc… But what ELSE did you use to reinforce the material from the videos or books?
I stumbled across a few things that I know will help me. First, is a series of IFR workshop videos hosted by Pilotedge.net. No membership or subscription is required. Visit https://www.pilotedge.net/workshops and the IFR videos start about 5 or 6 entries down.
Second, thing I found are flash cards and tabs for the FAR/AIM that I found at https://flashaviation.shop. I actually came across these from a great aviation YouTuber, Charlie from https://airplaneacademy.com. If you haven’t watched his videos yet, I highly recommend it. He has a lot of neat ideas and tips for flight training and proficiency.
What other tools did you find that were helpful for your IFR training? By all means, please leave them in the comments to share with all of us.